Friday, May 13, 2016

Reflecting on the reflection

The semester has officially ended and yet here I am in the Curriculum Library trying to race the clock as I attempt to finish not just one but two LiveBinders for Dr. Smirnova. Hooray!

I will look back on this and laugh.
I will also look back on this and realize, like I do every end of a school year, just how much I really love learning. I love researching, making my opinions based off of fact, holding old books in my hands and coming away with a knowledge I did not know before.

Everyone knows I am obsessed
with Feral Children and that came from nosing around on YouTube for far too long and finally coming up with something grotesque and awe-inspiring. It's one of the main reasons I decided to go back to school for Education. I wanted to learn more about Feral Children and how children's minds developed. And now, here I am at the end of my second year of graduate school, filled with knowledge and pumped with even more curiosity.

So what did I learn this semester?
I learned I can do a lot more than I thought I could do.
I learned that technology is a vital organ in the classroom, that it is a huge glass door that once swung open leads to a forest of knowledge where the trees are numerous and stacked with ideas. Somewhere in the clearing is a fountain of knowledge that never runs dry. It is mesmerizing. And the forest can either be friendly and inviting or can be dark and perplexing. It all depends on how you swing open the door. Which is why it is so important for classroom teachers to be at
the helm, spearing the way for students to go out and explore on their own.

I also learned the value on inquiry based lessons coincided with direct instruction. I thought the two were such different schools of thought, almost never sharing the same classroom and certainly never sharing the same breath. But instead, the two are a match made in heaven. They are team mates, partners and best friends. With Direct comes Inquiry and somewhere in the mix Cooperative Learning toddles along, eager to show its own strength. I finally learned that I have command of all three. That in that command I can have students become masters of a tool I only just learned to use myself.

The experience was intense. It left my nervous, stressed, overwhelmed, excited and all the while kicking and screaming. I have been taking three classes this semester, two with Dr. Smirnova (Methods Science and Methods Social Studies) and one with Dr. Berlinghoff (Research Based Instruction). Those three classes have not been a walk in the park, but I have emerged from the other side a more forceful student, soaked in new knowledge and capable of adapting to student needs faster than I would have ever imagined. It truly was an incredibly experience. Exhausting, but incredible.

I am also excited to use all the resources that have been provided to me, almost on a silver platter: TikTok, PowToon, Glogster, Tagul, WordCloud, Google Slides.
My classroom is already brimming with new ideas, a better and firmer grasp on instruction and resources a plenty, and I don't even have a classroom yet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

La Luna

In class we spoke about the exploration of space: How exciting and how terrifying. But who doesn't love the man in the moon? Doesn't he seem like a companion?

For our Earth, there is but one solar companion, one right-hand man that commands attention at night and sends a little order to our waters: the moon. We seem him fairly often, making a sleepy appearance at night to tuck us into bed.
Othertimes, the moon gets cheeky and smirks at us from a clear blue sky, reminding us that just when we feel so busy, so in command, abiding to our silly man made laws, we are barely a moment in a very lengthy novel about the universe.

So we can agree we are almost nothing in comparison, let's look at the other planets and their moons. Let's look at Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune, commanding a fleet of moons to our pithy one.

I mean, really. The numbers don't lie. But did the planets have to show off quite so much? Couldn't they have been team players, just a little bit?



16 Moons?  Those four are only a quarter of all the moons. A QUARTER.
And their size, damn, so to say.

Let's move onto Saturn then.

These are simply just the major moons of Saturn. That means there are more. Again, for those counting, we have one.

That's fine.

Also, side note, check out all the cool names Saturn and Jupiter have for their moons: Rhea, Dione, Europa. Do you know what we call our moon? Moon. We are like small children who got to name the family dog and in our excitement we spurted out DOG.

And Neptune:

Seriously? Triton? HOW CLEVER IS THAT! Is one of the moons named Larissa? Are they dating? What is this??

But Pluto wouldn't do us wrong like that. Not Pluto. 

FOUR MOONS??? And some of the names rhyme? I am now just embarrassed and desperate. 

However, let me make final comment in the theme of frustration, indignation and revenge. 
Of all these planets, with all their moons and what have you, how many of them have life?

You go Earth and Moon!

The Inventor's Secret

The Inventor's Secret: my trade book!

I decided to use the following book for my trade book. The book covers the true life friendship between Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. I did not know that the two inventors had a friendship at all, so stumbling across this book was a great find.

The book is listed on National Science Teachers Association (NSTA)'s list of trade books. The list itself was  pretty lengthy, with numerous books to choose from. But I was sold by the title, the artwork and the idea behind the book.

The Inventor's Secret is about Henry Ford and Thomas Edison's growing friendship. Ford was a young inventor, struggling to come up with a patent that would hold water and Edison was breaking the mold left and right in terms of progression. Aside from an interesting snippet of history I had never heard of before, the artwork, the clever book title, I liked the idea of two people being inspired by one another and pushing each other towards greatness. It's an aspect of professional life I would like my students to learn about.

 The reviews from the teachers are all generously encouraging. Each teacher found a reason to introduce the book to a class, either a teacher found the friendship between the inventor's charming, the content approachable or the excitement about inventing to captivate the students.

The book can be taught to various grades.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Planet 9: Here to Kill

Planet 9?

Planet 9.

No, it is not a Sci-Fi movie, but I understand how to two could be confused.

A few weeks ago Dr. S asked us to compile articles that would highlight our interest in space. I have always loved space, although I will admit that it terrifies me to my very core. I think it's too abstract, too broad, too vague for me to even begin to wrap my brain around. But is it fascinating? Endlessly.

I found articles across the internet, but I wanted to make sure they held some water so I chose articles about space from reliable sources, so I went straight to the source I thought would work the best: NASA. I mean, who can beat NASA? (the answer: No one can)

I found a bunch of interesting articles, including one on Planet 9, which had a catchy title to boot:
No, Planet 9 will not kill us all. How can you not read that? You just have to.

The article talks about the misinformation spread about Planet 9, including a twitter warfare. Apparently, just to clarify and to dodge any twitter bullets, Planet 9 is speculated to exist, and it could, potentially hurl into our orbit. The problem about Planet 9 is its size. Its size is so large and so astounding, with its world of debris circulating its fat tummy, it poses a sort-of threat. The threat you think might, might, might happen but in a small, impossible way. Like when you think if you don't step on the sidewalk crack you have actually saved your mother's back. Not real.

But, we are excited about something new. A new planet! Psssh, watch out Pluto!
Aw, poor Pluto


Or almost. It's all in theory. There COULD be a Planet 9 (hence the scifi name) and it COULD very well tumble and roll its way into our path, knocking our world, literally, out of space.

But will it?

I guess we just need to look to NASA to clarify and wait for the twitter warfare to fill in the blanks.